
Current Methods for Hair Modeling, Simulation, and Rendering

Current Methods for Hair Modeling, Simulation, and Rendering Abstract: Due to the extreme complexity of hair, its simulation continues to be an active research topic. Development of a realistic hair simulation requires solutions for modeling, physical simulation, and an accurate reflection model for rendering. The unique behavior of hair has lead researchers to question whether it should be handled as individual strands or a general volume of hairs and successful methods have been developed for both approaches. No technique has become the standard and the appropriateness of a solution may depend on its intended application, but as the computing power of hardware increases, the solutions for simulating realistic hair continue to improve.

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Image based 3D Reconstruction

IMAGE BASED MODELING ON A CONSTRAINED AXIS Abstract: Given a set of multiple calibrated photographs, silhouettes can be extracted to form a coarse approximation of 3D geometry. This image based model can further be refined by using feature based photoconsistency constraints and iterative bundle adjustment to correlate and refine the details found in the data set. Image based modeling has practical applications in visual effects, medical imaging, and prototyping.

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A COMPARISON OF TECHNIQUES FOR ESTIMATING DEPTH USING STEREO PAIRS Abstract: Disparity maps can provide a visual estimate of depth information generated by a pair of stereo images. The goal when producing disparity maps is to achieve a smooth and detailed map while minimizing error and maximizing efficiency. Three methods of varying complexity are explored to demonstrate and compare their results and efficiency on the Middlebury stereo test set [5].

Download full paper (pdf)



Food Rendering: Mid-quarter Update

Below is my initial food model. It was created in Maya using NURBS and then will be exported to a RIB file where I will add my shaders. Additional detail will be added using displacement maps. As discussed in the pixar paper, soft body dynamics were used to aid in the way the meat fell on the plate. I still have to apply this technique to the vegetables on the plate.



Ray Tracer: Basic Shading

Below are the results of my ray tracer with phong shading implemented. There is a white point light located at (0.1, 4.7, 0.0). PhongNoSS

The same image with super sampling n=3 phong

As an extra, I added multiple lights. Below is the image rendered with the original white light, a red light at (2, 5, -2), and a blue light at (-3, 2, 0).


The same image with super sampling n=3 multipleLights


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Ray Tracer: Camera modeling

Below is the result of the basic casting. I adjusted some of the values of my previous assignment, but otherwise they are very similar. raytracer2

As an extra, below is an image rendered with super sampling:


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Project Proposal: Longest Common Subsequence in Parallel

The goal of the longest common subsequence (LCS) problem is to find the longest subsequence that is common to each member of a given set of sequences. LCS is useful for making comparisons and finding differences. The LCS prob- lem is NP-hard for an arbitrary number of inputs, but is O(n2) for two inputs, which is the problem we will solve, using an adaptation of the traditional dy- namic programming algorithm. Since a problem that can be solved by dynamic programming tends to easily be broken down into subproblems, the longest common subsequence problem will work well as a parallel program. Full Parallel Proposal (Pdf)


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Project Proposal: Renderman Food Rendering

The main goal of the project is to gain an in depth understanding of writing Renderman shading and illumination models with a primary focus on semi-realistic food rendering. In particular, attention will be paid to subsurface scattering and specularity for creating appealing translucent foods. Also, hypertextures will be explored for their application in realistic bread rendering.

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Ray Tracer: Setting the Scene

The final goal of the ray tracer will be to reproduce the image below.  In this first step, the object parameters are estimated. sturner-small

Original Turner Whitted Image


Object Positions done in C++ and OpenGL

Initial Values:

Back Sphere Position: ( 1.0, 0.05, 3.65 ) Size: 1.0

Front Sphere Position: ( -0.15, .9, 0.8 ) Size: 1.0

Floor Position: ( -1.25, 0.0, 20.0 ) ( 4.6, 0.0, 20.0 ) ( 4.6, 0.0, 0.0 ) ( -1.25, 0.0, 0.0 )

Light Position: ( 1.0, 5.0, -1.0 )

Camera Position: ( 0.0, 1.0, -1.0 ) Camera Lookat: ( 0.0, 0.0, 20.0 ) Camera Orientation: ( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )



Multi touch Bar Counter (Video)

I came across this video while checking out what people were doing with multi touch screens and I think this is a pretty awesome use of the technology.  I like how occasionally neon lines will connect the objects toughing the table, even business cards!


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The not so distant future of programming: parallel code part I

Computer hardware has grown at an unbelievable rate and programmers are gaining cores faster than they know what to do with them. Not only has the software community been lacking products that utilize the parallel computing abilities of these new processors, but now we are starting to throw GPU computing into the mainstream mix.

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Importing SCORM into the Desire2Learn LMS

In order to get your SCORM package or SCO into the Desire2Learn LMS you must be an instructor and have a course created.  Once in your course select 'Content' from the top navigation bar.  Then under 'Content Areas' select 'Manage Files'.  Under 'Course Admin Tools' select 'Import/Export/Copy Components'.  Check 'Import Components' and 'from a File'.  Select your zipped up SCO.  Hit 'Next'.  After it reads the package, hit 'Next' again



Quick Ambient Occlusion in Mental Ray for Maya

In the hypershade check the Mental Ray Nodes button. Click on materials and create a mib_illum_lambert. In the attribute editor adjust the settings as seen below:


Back in the hypershade scroll down and click to expand Textures. Create a mib_amb_occlusion and in the attributes, increase the Samples. For this example I will be using 90.



SL: How to hide a sculpt map

I had a friend ask me how to hide sculptie maps on prims that you want to be able to set to modify. So here is just a quick how to and if anyone would like more assistance feel free to IM Laura Wiszniak in world or leave a question in the comments.
