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ray tracer

Advanced Ray Tracer: Speedy Bunnie


Advanced Ray Tracer: Speedy Bunnie

My ray tracer can now load .ply models and uses kd-trees (TA-B traversal) for acceleration. I used the high res model of the Standford Bunny which has around 69,000 triangles. Without any form of acceleration, the render times are over 1 hour for the basic ray tracer.



Ray Tracer: Reflection

The next step in the ray tracer was to add reflection. The following scene was rendered using these rules:* Make the "back" sphere reflective (kr ≠ 0.0)


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Ray Tracer: Procedural Shading

The goal for the next step of my ray tracer was to recreate the checkered floor procedurally.

Below is the same image with super sampling of n=3:

As a bonus, I created a second procedural texture by using a combination of sqrt and modulus to created curved purple and blue stripes.

Below is the same image with super sampling of n=3:

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Ray Tracer: Basic Shading

Below are the results of my ray tracer with phong shading implemented. There is a white point light located at (0.1, 4.7, 0.0). PhongNoSS

The same image with super sampling n=3 phong

As an extra, I added multiple lights. Below is the image rendered with the original white light, a red light at (2, 5, -2), and a blue light at (-3, 2, 0).


The same image with super sampling n=3 multipleLights


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Ray Tracer: Camera modeling

Below is the result of the basic casting. I adjusted some of the values of my previous assignment, but otherwise they are very similar. raytracer2

As an extra, below is an image rendered with super sampling:


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